A Reminder to please take a copy from the proshop or print your own prior your next round.


Original Notice 5th Jan 2019

Local rules are now under review and will be altered to fit the current rules.

Due to the Christmas Period the Committee have yet to finalise the rules at an official meeting. This will be done on Tuesday the 9th of Jan 2019.

Local Rules Sheet (shown outside the proshop) will be updated in the days after. The back of scorecards will remain as they are pre-printed however we will have local rules print offs for you to keep on hand until the new batch of local rules are worked through.


The local rules will not be drastically different – The Rules references will be altered to suit new rules – Local rules additions (like out of bounds Rule below) will be implemented to main sheet.

We thank you for your patience and understand the large change that is taking place world wide.




Main changes to main rules