Please spread the word by grabbing fliers and giving them to all you know. (Fliers in proshop and clubhouse)
This year we have sought a different approach to junior memberships. An approach that is based on team sport club models – a one off fee and all practices and games are inclusive. Resulting in an all inclusive membership.
Junior Under 18 Category will be a one off fee of $205 for the membership year running from 1/4/18-31/3/19 the inclusions in the membership will be as follows:
($155 when utilising the State Government’s $50 Sports Voucher for primary school aged children)
- Full Membership – Play and Practice 7 Days a Week
Unlimited golf (subject to time sheets), membership management and fully maintained handicap.
- 3 x 30 Minute Private Golf Lessons with PGA Professionals at Sandy Creek Golf Club
Sessions to be booked throughout the year and focusing on areas in which the junior seeks to improve.
- Saturday Morning Junior Clinics 9:15-10:15am Fortnightly
Clinics focus on full swing or short game with putting games to complete the session. Prizes awarded & range balls provided.
- Mid-week Supervised Practice 4:00-5:00 Weekly (Up to 48 Weeks a Year)
Children may come anywhere between 4:00 and 5:00pm and will be under the watchful eye of professional staff. Designed for juniors to organise their practice schedule and practice with other Academy members. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns with their game. Course sessions will also be scheduled. One small bucket range balls provided – alternate fortnight Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Junior Academy Polo and Cap
- $200 per child Junior Range Membership (1-Bucket-a-day for a year)
- $120 Practice Bag Setup (premium Shag Bag with 36 NEW Golf Balls + 2 x alignment Sticks)
The Club and myself have worked together to find the best value for the junior and the Development Fund. The Fund was introduced in 2014 with a $1 comp entry increase. With the strict criteria that 100% of the $1 was to go into Development, both of the junior golfer and the clubs facilities to increase membership. The value we have created, we feel, will increase Juniors into the club as well as bringing with that Adult memebrship of the parents and Family Members which still leaving enough funds for more projects in the Future. Each junior will be paying $205 and will be getting over $1400 of value with a small amount of ranging from $3500-$3700 being deducted from the Development fund to provide for the Academy.
A forecast model of 50 juniors in the academy will result in result in $3700 being deducted from the Development Fund and with $7,000-9,000 being raised annually we feel the health of the fund will remain whilst giving out over $70,000 of value to the 50 forecast juniors. We are optimistic in what this will bring.
We expect the Academy to be one of the states largest and we need even more of your help to make it so. When you are speaking to your kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews… Give them a flier and get them out here. We have fliers we would love for you to take a bunch (in proshop and clubhouse) and give out to as many parents / kids as you can think of. Even if it is on your local notice board, we’re not picky ;).
12 months of golf and all tuition they could wish for, to give them a skill for life… not a hard sell and it will change this place whilst keeping all that is good about it.
Thank you for all you do, without your contribution we could not grow.
Brayden Wauchope
Full details and application permission form